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DXR3xi Imaging Microscope

A specialised quick imaging device for ultrafast imaging.
Advanced imaging features combined with minimal sample preparation and intuitive software give users the power of Raman at the speed researchers need.
DXR Smart Raman mikroskooppi

General information about the Thermo DXR3xi Raman Imaging Microscope

A groundbreaking new Raman microscope. The DXR3xi can even be operated by persons who are not experts in spectroscopy or microscopy. The new OMNICxi software is intuitive and provides quick results without you having to delve into the technical details.

The DXR3xi can be used for various applications in material science, chemistry, geology, pharmaceuticals, medicine, biology and biochemistry. Ultrafast chemical mapping of macro samples – made easy. The Raman technology is suitable for both organic and inorganic components.

Ask for a chance to test it with your samples!

Examples of applications

Mikrometriluokan partikkeleiden kemiallinen tunnistus
Chemical identification of micrometre-scale particles
Raman läpileikkaus hampaasta.
Raman cross-section of a tooth.
Virheiden etsiminen grafeenin rakenteesta.
Scanning for errors in graphene structure.
Särkylääkkeen komponenttien jakautuminen tabletissa.
The distribution of components in a pain relief pill.

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