The iCAP™ MTX ICP-MS-MS combines proven Q-Cell interference removal technology with argon gas dilution (AGD) to control more difficult matrices. It is a highly efficient tool for the analysis of complex samples in support of research and regulated analyses. iCAP™ MTX is robust and easy to use, its compact design and low maintenance requirements ensure that workflow is optimised. The Reaction Finder Method Development Assistant tool can be used to significantly speed up method development work.
The maintenance interval of the iCAP™ MTX has been extended from several times a week to only weekly or even less often with the integrated AGD, a new cone design and advanced tuning. Advanced scheduling of required maintenance is included, making it more predictable and ensuring trouble-free operation.
The HAWK monitoring system ensures that your instrument stays in good working order, both with a single sample and over long series of analyses.
You can also read more about the products in our article(iCAP MX family)

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